Monday, October 27, 2008

D.L. = Minstrel Show?

Did anyone see D.L.'s new show on CNN? Talk about coonary. I was embarassed. He needs to do better.


The Kaptivator said...
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The Kaptivator said...

OMG!!! I was like WTF is this shish DL????? Waaaaaay too many "black people" jokes...and most were unecessary. I mean I realize he's a comedian, but he was looking like a straight clown b/c he never seemed serious about anything...everything was a joke to him. Also, the format of that show just doesn't blend right with a serious station like CNN...his show should be on HBO or comedy central..I don't think it's appropriate for CNN the so called middle ground station to have a comedy show on their network!! What are they looking for a Jay Leno type deal on CNN??? Just sounds like a dumb-a$$ concept to me!!! Plus that show is waaay to far left and it just leaves you saying WTF CNN??? WTF DL??? CNN should stay away from comedy and leave that to the other networks like FOX...speaking of!!! I do however think the show could work if he'd just be a bit more serious and stop leaning so far left and STOP TRYING TO MAKE WHITE PEOPLE LAUGH AT OUR EXPENSE!!!!! His show just seems forced...I'd rather see Roland Martin bring that color to CNN's normal line up of "White People Over 50"

Chuck Dollar$ said...

DL is a sucka

DFW Dad said...

I don't know why CNN is trying to jump into comedy. D.L. doesn't look comfortable in this format. To be fair I heard that he met the writers for the show 2 days before they taped the first show. I really hope he can make the show better. It's a joke right now and makes "us" look bad. Roland should have gotten this show. His points are valid and he is intelligent. My wife and I couldn't even finish watching it. And yeah he is too far to the left. It would be better to be more balanced. The only positive I can think of is that it was on a Saturday night when most people weren't watching.

SLA said...

..Someone cancel him immediately. Sorry, but i thought he was dumb on Kings of Comedy too..

DFW Dad said...

This is worth writing CNN. It's bad enough to have coonary on BET we can't let it cross over to a network like CNN.

DFW Dad said...

Yeah SLA, he was the weakest link on the Kings of Comedy. I guess that is why the got rid of him.