I'm still trippin on this one!!! I really didn't expect this to realistically happen so soon after the civil rights movement! And in such a dominant fashion I might add!!! I can Honestly say for the first time in my adult life I am truly...actually...Dayum Proud Of White American's!!! lol I think Common Sense has Finally Won!!! I have such a sense of relief now that the doom and gloom repubs gotta GTFOH!!! Now we can get back to the "grizzie" and continue on getting that piece of the American Pie!!!! Man God is Good!!!! He definitely heard our prayers!!!
Now besides fixing the economy, stopping 2 wars, creating a greener world...we also need to get in some federal aid to help Michelle's a$$ learn how to pick appropriate outfits!!! She should've worn a nice first lady suit...look dignified! I'm not hatin though...lol...she was club fine...she should have dressed up more on such a historic night..she knew a lot of pics would be taken...the dress looks like blood splatter!!! Anyway...terrible choice if you asked me...LMAO...but I just keeps it real...it doesn't take away from how dignified or how brilliant she really is!!!!! It's just image...gotta project a good one..especially when dealing with you know who!
But sheit talkers...We still got plenty of sheit to talk about!!! Plenty to do and plenty to get done!!!! Black folks still got a ways to go....it's not nearly over just because America Elected it's FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!!!! (I'm still f'n amazed)But we have to stay mindful of what's best for folks and gotta keep Barack honest while he's in there! We'll check his a$$ too if he gets out of line like the worst president in WORLD HISTORY has done and his name would be George W. Bush!!! Good F'n Riddance CROOK!!!
President Obama....I can't stop smiling...
LOL... people have been on that dress. Man, this is crazy. I've been listening to talk radio and there have been some international callers. They've all been saying the same thing how now we don't look like the laughing stock anymore. Bush has really damaged our cred. Someone made a great statement on the show. If it wasn't for Bush being a total muck up then Barack probably wouldn't have made it this far. Bush screwed so many things up this is going to be hard to fix.
I must say that I'm truely proud of this major accomplishment for us and all Americans. It feels good to tell your son/daughter that they can be anything in this world with hard work and due diligence.
Yo chill out on the dress this the sister first time as the FIRST LADY she will get it right!
Do you think it would be cool to have a fish fry on the white house lawn now ? LOL !!!!
LMAO!!!! 4 Sho!!!! Hot Fish and BBQ as the Firsst Family dinner!!! Cats will have they whips parked in the grass!!! Barack nem "sittin at the picnic table" slapping bones, smokin, drankin, and talkin sheit!!!! Naw let me get off that typical racist stereotype crap...that's what white boys are saying about him as we speak..although it is funny!!!! But he will do some blk only sheit at some point..trust me! LOL Michelle will hang that pic of Martin Malcolm and Marcus garvey at the last supper or something!!! lol
HA! either that or mount a velvet "Dogs Playing Poker" picture above the living room table.
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