Monday, December 8, 2008

And the award for the most ridiculous rendition of the National Anthem EVER goes to....

Ladies and Gentlemen Miss KEYSHIA COLE!!

I've never heard so many unnecessary runs in a song. She looked a hot, dumb outfit wearing, trying too hard, about to be put in the same category as Ashanti MESS...


DFW Dad said...

She always adds unnecessary stuff to the national anthem. I remember she brutalized it before. It was another sporting event but I can’t remember if it was a basketball or football game.

The Kaptivator said...

I see thought I just caught a glimpse of Whitney..right before the crack! Man she looked trashy as hell!! Like a drunk, low budget hooker! But the man in me sorta likes that shish coming from KC! LOL However, she did fuggggggg that song up! Tore it up...literally!!!!

Snake-handler said...

i'd beat