Monday, July 7, 2008

Congrats to him...



DFW Dad said...

I didn't know he had expanded St. Louis. Shows you how much I listen.

dkoldest said...

I had know idea either. K104 is in trouble...

TravelinMan said...

Yeah, it seems that Radio One is trying to spread it's wings with him and go the distance. I guess Ques (Tom, Steve, and now Rickey) will be dominating the airwaves across the country soon.

SLA said...

Which is why i never listen to the radio anymore unless it's Michael Baisden in the afternoon's. Steve + Rickey = a massive headache. I am glad they are doing their thing though! COngrats to them.

DFW Dad said...

Baisden is the only one I'll listen to also. Steve really gets on my nerves. How does he still have a show?

SLA said...

I've got no idea. I tried listening a few times at work and i was distracted by the fact that he talks so hard that i can actually see his mustache moving. I, a physical manifestation of it moving! On top of that it was the same joke backwards, forwards, and side-to-side.

Krazy Legs said...

I listen from time to time and still didn't know they were in St. Louis. But good stuff for him and the 'Nutz.' I was wondering why they were in Miami this week.