Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson Video : Cut his nuts off


The Kaptivator said...

I SAW THIS! I think we should hold an immediate special meeting to quickly get Jesse to the GDP! His Charge! HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has officially made me hate this fool! And why is a reverend talking about cutting off nuts! And why is he murmuring HATE SPEECH... on the mic...ON FOX?!?!?!?

LGP3 said...

I think all the black leaders my feel a certain distaste for O. Because O does not really stand up for just blacks but all people of color. These old knee grow leaders think he is a sell out.

But I would love to slap the taste out of Jesse's mouth because the comments were uncalled for an especially on Fox.

Nas -
"Only Fox that I love was the Redd one / Only black man that Fox love is in jail or a dead one”

TravelinMan said...


DFW Dad said...

I agree with all of the comments. Out of all the places to make a comment like that he chooses Fox? You know that have the mic hot just to try to catch something. And why would you want to cut his nuts off. Even if O pissed me off I wouldn't think I would say something like that. And then he makes a little jab with his hand like he really is cutting his nuts off. I think he does have a hate. Obama came out of no where and is taking his shine.