McCain Backer Attacked, Mutilated in Pittsburgh
Here's what went down with the McCain/Palin supporter who was allegedly attacked in Pennsylvania last night.
According to Pittsburgh cops, around 9:30 PM last night, Ashley Todd was robbed after she went to the ATM. The victim says during the robbery, the assailant saw the McCain/Palin sticker on her car and became "enraged." He struck her and knocked her down, and allegedly carved a "B" on her cheek.
The assailant is still at large. Police tell us all they have is a description -- a man, 6'4", with dark skin and dark clothes.
A McCain spokesman confirmed to TMZ Todd volunteered in McCain's Pennsylvania office.
UPDATE: Anthony Pugliese, Pennsylvania state chair of the College Republican National Committee (of which Todd is a member), tells TMZ, Todd is "shaken up" but is doing OK. Prior to the attack, Todd was doing phone banking at one of the McCain offices.
Sound familiar? The words "Susan Smith" come to mind!
This story sounds suspect.
why is the B backwards? this sounds like a staged stunt...
Yep, this is staged. They are pulling out all stops.
The truth comes out.
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