Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Masaratti Rick: Detroit Drug Dealer

Should his family be admitted to the GDP for THIS???

Speciall attention to 0:40 - 0:52.



DFW Dad said...

Yes!!! A coffin with spinning rims? WTF!

Chuck Dollar$ said...

They had spinning rim mercedes coffins in '88????

Or did they dig his ass out the grave to put him in on spinners?

Krazy Legs said...

Come on...get that GDP app processed immediately! That coffin was SICK!!!

Chuck Dollar$ said...

Maybe I'm crazy, but why did they bury "MASARATTI RICK" in a.... Mercedes Benz????

I bet he's rolling over in his "driver's seat"

SLA said...

Maybe it was a bad angle too, but it looked awfully short! Like a kid was in it or something. Or maybe he was my height. Looked like not only were the rims spinning, but it also had FIRESTONE tires.

Chuck, i think maybe they were ahead of the game as far as the spinners. I also love how they spent so much money on the RI-FUGGING-DICULOUS coffin that they could only afford to use a rock with his name carved in it for a tomb stone! All of hi s kids inheritance is in the ground with him!

Shae said...

Ghetto is ghetto, no matter what year. The ish we see today, was going on during our parents generation, there just wasn't as much media attention to it then. They didn't heavily profile or publicize the life of drug dealers as we do now; so I'm sure that coffin was the same one he was buried in, in 1988.

I think whomever decided to purchase the coffin should be added to the GDP. Not so sure the family had much control, because I know when drug dealers died in my hometown, the family didn't have much control over what was being done, the homies was covering cost so they let them have freedom to pick and choose.

I also don't think his father should be praised, because for as much good he did, he did just as much harm to someone else. I mean, we all know that some drug dealers are good people doing dirty work, but you still dirty regardless of how you spin it. I can't slang dope and then expect to be a legend, because I could have gotten a 9-5 just like most hardworking individuals do to make ends meet.

So my problem is that his son wants people to know that his father wasn't all drug dealer, but who really gives a phuck. He was what he was and you can't rewrite history because you don't like the way the TRUTH was laid out.

DFW Dad said...

That's true... spinning rims in '88?

Maybe didn't have anymore money to get the Masaratti coffin so they had to settle for the benz. Dummies.

DFW Dad said...

I agree with you Shae and to add to that the son didn't have any substance to what he was saying. Saying stuff like "he was always smiling" is not going to cut it. Send him to the GDP also.

SLA said...

I was thinking that too. The reporter was skeptical also. He asked "What good did your father do?" and the son responded "He helped people open businesses, and he was always smiling". The reporter was kind of like ".....ok?". We get it, he your dad and you loved him, but he sold poison to his own people...not gonna come across as legendary/honorable to the rest of us! Heck my uncle devised a way to skillfully smoke crack and maintain his job at the local hospital and steal meters off houses and reinstall them on other houses at blackmarket prices for years! Yes, he was talented..but there's no honor in that! Wont see me on the news with a "Uncle Benny Forever" t-shirt on!

TravelinMan said...

I thought they just said the wheels could spin (meaning you could roll the casket on them), not that the rims were spinners.

Krazy Legs said...

I'm with shae. I don't think the family got the coffin done either. All the other D-boys got together and put up the dough for it.

DFW Dad said...

Those Uncle Benny shirts are hot. I would get one.

DFW Dad said...

Travelinman that makes sense. The wheels could probably roll. I thought they said spinning rims but they may have meant the wheels.

dkoldest said...

WTF!! LOL, are kidding me. He should have used that money on his tomb stone and a gardener ,lol. At least you would be able to see it