Thursday, September 25, 2008

Skin Bleaching: Big Business in Africa

Heavy Cost of Light Skin.

Here is a preview as well as some of the comments people had to say about this growing issue…

By: Joan Baxter

The use of bleaching creams to lighten complexions seems to have reached epidemic proportions in Mali, despite widespread education campaigns. Women who refuse to bleach often find themselves regarded as second class citizens.
A woman who did not bleach her skin said she is often not offered a chair at baptisms, and is asked to make herself scarce when group photographs are taken at marriages.

How does everyone feel about this…being that it’s a huge issue nowadays?


Male, 22, Los Angeles, CA

Just sad that any society would have a perception like that.


Female, Age Private, Kansas City, MO

Self hate just like some in the US….strong feeling for an African country to emulate the beauty standatds of whites…

To read full article visit:

For full comments on this topic ( this url :


For more articles on this issue visit:

For more interesting information visit:

Not enough info (wink)…here are some books:

The Color Complex by Kathy Russell

Don’t Play in the Sun by Marita Golden

Blacker the Berry by Wallace Thurman


The Kaptivator said...

LMAO!!! Thank you for posting this foolish a$$ $hit! I saw that episode of Tyra! The girls made absolutely no sense in the reasoning behind bleaching their skin! And that GDP Fugitive that bleached her kids really needs her dumb a$$ beat! Then immediately shipped to GDP Island - The Bermuda Triangle Location!!!!!

DFW Dad said...

Is it even worth it? The chick in that picture doesn't look that much different.

SLA said...

There is a video of a family of Jamaicans that do it. She looks like a burn victim and continues to do it...disgusting.