Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Young's four-hour absence spurs call first to Titans, then police


Question: Do you think V.Y. has been a let down as a black NFL quarterback? Do you think his critics are too harsh? Do you think he's not ready? Do you think he needs to apply himself more?


Chuck Dollar$ said...


iurecman (6 minutes ago) Report Violation I think they were simply trying to state that Vince Young is like Barack Obama, both are overhyped, overrated and can't live up to the hype!

Kingsly_Zissou (7 minutes ago) Report Violation "Talk about Kool-aid. You're about to vote for a guy because of his skin color, that has accomplished nothing politically, all because a couple of celebs wear his t-shirt and you didn't like the former president. Ha"

Well, most of the grown ups in the Democratic party vote according to a candidate's platform and faith in their decision-making ability. I understand that concept is hard for many in the Republican base to grasp, but please...try. We'll all be better off for it.

gotta321 (9 minutes ago) Report Violation more black "exciting" scrambling QB's. this is what the moron fans wanted...isnt it? as long as idiot fans buy up season tickets after falling for the QB hype then, this junk will go on. sure its great for the regular season highlight real on espn but dont count on winning a SB. so if all you want is to go "wow!!! did u see that QB run?!!!" then go ahead and flush your money down the drain you saps.

DFW Dad said...

How in the hell did it turn to a Barack argument? I don't think he is a bust yet but they are going to run him out of town soon if he doesn't step it up.

SLA said...

I was wondering the same thing... went from football to politics. Yeah, cause they're the same thing...

TravelinMan said...

VY will be aight...come on Titans!