Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Are You Kidding Me???? Peep 0:43

The Princess and the Frog:

Disney finally puts out a cartoon with black characters and THIS IS WHAT THEY DO.
Peep 0:43 into the cartoon clip. This is the worse than the WB frog!!!!



DFW Dad said...

I was really looking forward to this movie coming out because my daughter is into the princess thing. I think Disney will get an ear full with this. I hope that character is not in the movie or they can cut him out.

The Kaptivator said...

Every single time Cartoons "cater" to blk's always the ghetto image or dialect they choose! I guess someone who speaks well would be confused with a white person, so they get the most distictively black voice in our community and it is the Ghetto voice! I hate that shit! Disney..just keep doing what you've been doing...don't throw us blk folks a biscuit...we're straight!

Shae said...

Yeah that's some BS. Tink didn't look like a trailer trash fairy so why the phuck the lighting bug gotta have a raggedy grill and can't hardly speak. This is BS, I will be drafting my own letter to send to Disney. Tired of always waiting on someone else to make the move and then I co-sign, I have been waiting on this movie to and they just killed it for me.

DFW Dad said...

It’s amazing that they did this. They already caught flack when they tried to make her a chambermaid and named her Mattie. They had to rewrite the film. You would thing they would have learned. Did they not have a black person in their meetings saying this is not a good look? Like kaptivator said, why do they think they have to make our characters ghetto? Just do the normal thing like you always do.

SLA said...

Exactly!It was so blatant the way it was done also. Like Shae said, Tinkerbell was petite with long hair and good diction.. and they add in here OUT OF NOWHERE an illeterate raggedy mouth lightening bug.

Chuck Dollar$ said...

on a side note, but doesn't that bug sound just like any black guy on a "Come see N'awlins!" commercial.....????

TravelinMan said...

That lightning bug needs some veneers...