Thursday, July 10, 2008

Can we say PAID....

Get Paid!


The Kaptivator said...

You remember I told yall this was a Nupe from the crib...I talked to him about a month ago about this...he said they were in the works of getting his lawsuit together! I'm happy for dude...his a real chill cat..very non-threatening, can't see how they assumed he was robbing the bank! He's a light-skinned clean cut dude... said he had on a Polo & Slacks..He said he DID NOT even have a hat on...nor any sunglasses..he said that was all made up by the tellers. He said he was just chopping it up with the loan officer trying to close on a loan he had just gotten..not even went to where the tellers were at..said he was at the loan officers desk the entire time.

My question was what bank robber has ever robbed someone from the Loan Officers Desk..they don't even keep money!!! LOL So why they assumed he was robbing them came out of nowhere! He also said Royce West Chose him..LOL..I guess Clay Davis..I mean Royce saw the potential amount of dough he could make in this case!

As a side note.. FUGG WELLS FARGO!!! They were founded on Slave Money..they need to give some of that back!!!

TravelinMan said...

I hope he collects a phat will be a nice one, just to make this mess go away. Plus he will be able to get loans whenever he questions asked.

(dying) at the Clay Davis comment

Sheeee iiiit