Tuesday, July 29, 2008

John Edwards Love Child Scandal (Baby Photos)

Shocking reports are surfacing that John Edwards has a love child. The alleged mistress who was first reported in October reportedly was pregnant and went into hiding, and later gave birth




DFW Dad said...

It seems like there is some type of cover up because none of the major media outlets are reporting on it. Maybe they don't trust the Enquirer. LOL. That's kind of cold if it's true since his wife is dying.

The Kaptivator said...

LOL..is this Jesse Jackson we're talking about or John Edawrds??? Maybe this is the real reason he gracefully bowed out early in the campaign....It probably is true...we'll see if he gets a spot in the Obama cabinet..if not, then we can assume it's true! LOL You are right Sweet Nupe....this is Ice Cold if true since his wifey is slowly dying!