Monday, July 14, 2008

InBev to buy Anheuser-Busch for $52B


dkoldest said...

Could be more bad news for the job market.

DFW Dad said...

They're saying that they won't take any jobs away right now but that could change whenever everything goes through. They might try to pull what ol' boy did with the Sonics. Say one thing but really plan on doing something else. But since Busch has such a big market share over here I would think they have to keep most of the plants open.

dkoldest said...

I agree the distribution centers would stay but, I would think some of the office jobs in St. Louis,etc. would be in jeopardy. This is a wake up call. This U.S dollar is very weak! Look for more foreign companies to buy and bail out more U.S companies.

The Kaptivator said...

And they are worried about blk folks and mexicans taking "Their" jobs..hell if you let foreign co's buy up all of U.S. companies..they can do what they want, and if they want to close U.S. plants and take the jobs over seas...that's their perogative and we can't do ish! Man America is turning Belly-Side up! Sick Like Tony Snow!

DFW Dad said...

The U.S. has really screwed itself. Read the book “The World is Flat”. Countries such as India and China are catching up real fast and we’re not developing enough talent to keep our position as world leader for too long. And now that we are so dependent on foreign oil they have us bent over a barrel.

The Kaptivator said...

Man...with the free falling of the Buck...a ton of European companies will be able to come over here and buy our companies for essentially half price if they are buying with Euro's!! Man...America is on the fast track to the GDP!!! Like Lupe says..and I relate this to ALL of America

~The only Enemy is MY INNER-ME!!!!