Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating Black History 365

A Salute to Black History. (EXCELLENT SITE)
Below are links, quotes, photos, etc. (click for information) that will enrich your knowledge of the past and present and the selfless contributions made by just a FEW of the MANY great Black distinguished individuals that have had a great impact on our culture, paved the way for others to follow in that particular vocation, or contributions have taught us insights to beliefs, life, morals, etc. We can never say good-bye to yesterday, for yesterday--our past, made it possible for our present and future . .


TravelinMan said...

This is a really good repository of information...good lookin!

SLA said...

This is useful. I was looking for good quotes from Crispus Attucks, but i couldn't find one!

DFW Dad said...

Good website... I'll have to bookmark it.