1st Nas gal...took his QB chain...now this guy...nobody fuggin with he dude who needs his chain took ...GUCCI MANE

His Street Cred Is Now Shot: Young Berg Robbed..>Chain Posted on NET
Yung Berg got his wig split and snatched off last night in Detroit. Berg, who was in town for local radio station Hot 102.7's Summer Jamz caught it at a popular down town night club. There are some others that told me that Bergie was also robbed and his eyes filled with water once he realized no one was able to retrieve his chain.
I agree, rob all of those fools. They were already robbed at the jewerly store when they bought that mess so rob them again.
Yall know back in the day we all had a Transformer lunch box (the metal one)...let him have his chain; lmao.
I love Transformers but the chain has to go.
My mama wouldn't buy me one!!! :( LOL That chain is a bit ridiculous...especially if it's real! I say it's worth a trip to the GDP for even considering on purchasing one!
I had several of them. Transformers were my favorite growing up. I could still watch them today.
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