Thursday, August 7, 2008

We will now stand to sing the hymn of Preparation....H?

Flight attendant gets hemorroids as a result of attack on airplane by Victoria Osteen.


The Kaptivator said...

LMAO! This is a bullshit case! Although she may win something if she had witnesses...but to say you got hemroids from being elbowed in the breast and that's worth 10% of their fortune..lmao...GTFOH!! What kind of number is that...10% of someone's wealth...that's looks like she's on the come up...which I feel her...but to make matters worse, she claims this has made her lose faith!! Naw this lie your telling shows you don't have much in the first place!

On the other hand..Mrs. Olsteen is off the chain for that! LOL...I've always said they are probably crazy b/c they smile too dam much! Always smiling and always has super friendly words to say...I bet after church he cracks a case and goes at it...smokin Marlboro's talking shit to her! LOL Then come back for Wednesday night Bible class and seem like the most perfect couple EVER!!!

TravelinMan said...

Might as well get paid while the getting is good...she aint God, so I dont know about that 10%; but she needs to get something.