Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What The Fugggg

There are only two things I depise niccas and flies


DFW Dad said...

LOL... if that is not a photoshop dude is off the chain.

SLA said...


It clearly said "Of Our Time" and one dude even went back to Harriet Tubman!!! Did he really say Ike Turner? And did he put the words Ike + Turner + Household in the same sentence? The only thing he said that made sense was "Ike Turner was a man with high...." He lived by the cracked and left by it!

The Kaptivator said...

LMAO!! SLA is a fool! But completely correct!!! People don't listen to questions very well! The sad part about EVERYBODY's answer (except my boy giving my main man Ike the Big-Ups..lol)is that we only regergitate the few black people we learned about in school! There are PLENTY of black leaders today and yesterday that have no fame but did just as much as the so-called famous black leaders!

DFW Dad said...

Exactly, but that's all they teach so people don't know anything else. Now if they picked up a book other than Superhead's then they may learn something else.