Friday, August 8, 2008

L'Oréal: Get Réal

Beyonce, or L'Oréal for that matter, probably had no idea that an ad for hair color would cause so much controversy. I saw the new L'Oréal ad a few days ago, and it struck a nerve. There's still a stigma of Black celebs acting "too Black." This ad re-enforces that negative portrayal.

Why can't a powerful, talented African-American woman be celebrated for her natural beauty? L'Oréal claims they didn't change Beyonce's appearance, but who are they fooling? L'Oreal obviously wanted to make Beyonce look white.

The L'Oréal ad is disrespectful and dismissive to Black women. And L'Oréal's explanation is lame.


TravelinMan said...

Who cares if she were photo shopped, the more important issue is to tell her mama to quit making them clown outfits.

SLA said...

She wasn't just photoshopped though. She's LITERALLY a completely different person. If they wanted a blond haired pointed nosed white woman, they should have gotten one! She looks crazy as hell in that picture. Almost like a burn victim or something.

TravelinMan said...

Well now she knows how Micheal Jackson

DFW Dad said...

I'm not surprised at all.