Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama-Biden ticket makes debut Saturday



Snake-handler said...

Perfect Choice...Ensures McCain's Victory!

Mr. Woodcock

The Kaptivator said...

LOL! Why do you want 4 more years of the same insane policy's??????? Man I my gut tells me that was the best choice he could make, but this election is going to be up in the air...with all of the racists out there and the cheatin the GOP will do at the polls...the odds are stacked aginst O...I just say to the people that do vote for McCain...yall are making all of us sink in your ship! The shish pissses me off to think everything America is will be washed down the drain just so a few rich wht folks can become richer!

This is the equivalent of the wife driving the husband off of a cliff while he's asleep!

Yall need to wake up and realize the GOP of this day is nothing but evil! And that's the only way you can say it! If McCain wins, I'm going to stockpile guns, ammo, water, and can goods, b/c it will GO DOWN!!!!!!

(Stepping out of my Nostradamus momement)

Let's Go Barack Obama & Joe Biden!!!! We need yall to win more than ever!!!

Side Note: Isn't this shish looking more and more like an episode of 24 every dam day?!?!?

Snake-handler said...

You sound real angry,upset and slighted. What did Obama do for u? what did McCain do against U?...can you really argue experience. to me it isn't GOP or Dems is about a quality canidate.

The Kaptivator said...

McCain is a liar and a flip-flopper! He has a terrible view of the world and he is play dirty politics! With all of his experience, why does he have to resort to the same fear tactics Karl Rove and the rest of the GOP are so well known for? He has changed his stance on every single issue he ever believed in. He is not that experienced, he just presents himself as though he has it...being in the Senate does not qualify you for the presidency! Ithink it's more about a vison and the ability to motivate people to get to that vision...McCain is too old to have a vision, by the time his vision takes off, the world will be fugged up and he'll most likely be dead!

Obama has not had the chance to do anything for me..YET!! But based on what he says, I believe him....John Insane hasn't even said one single thing that makes me I see with him is more war and more hard times.

Why don't you educate me on what John McCain has done for you? What will he do for me? Give me specifics...not just the general anti-Obama hate!